Resident Celebrations

At Hazelwood Care Home, we have had a fantastic and busy start to the new year, with lots of special celebrations for our residents.
Our team were more than delighted to help a resident and their partner celebrate their 66th Wedding Anniversary this month. The rest of their family were also invited to join and our team went to great efforts to make the day as special as enjoyable as it could be.
The couple were given some flowers and bubbly, and were treated to an afternoon tea with their nearest and dearest. It was so lovely to see the family together for such a wonderful occasion, and we all enjoyed hearing stories from their marriage together and looking at old photographs.

We have also had 7 residents birthdays in January, which residents and staff within the home gathered together to celebrate with some cake and music. Two of our residents who had birthdays invited their families to celebrate with an afternoon tea, courtesy of our catering team.
Whether it's for birthdays, anniversaries, or just the opportunity for families to spend time together catching up, we at Hazelwood Care Home will do all that we can to ensure that our residents key moments are celebrated how they wish.

It is important to us that our residents families know that they are welcome at our home at anytime, whether for a celebration, a visit, or to get involved with the activities and events that we hold here. We have many dining areas within our home, but also a private dining room which we encourage residents and their families to make use of to help celebrate those special moments.
If you would like to find out more about how our care home in Dartford can help you and your family, then we welcome you to get in touch with our friendly team.